유태 역사 학자 조세푸스 외

유태 역사 학자 조세푸스 외

가로수 0 6,751 2007.12.21 09:20

17. Website Reference

유태 역사 학자 조세푸스 외:

1. Catholic EncyclopediaCatholic Encyclopedia

2. The Jesus PuzzleThe Jesus Puzzle by Earl Doherty: Josephus Unbound

3. The Mistery of the Testimonium FlaviumThe Mystery of the Testimonium Flavium by G.J. Goldberg, Ph. D.


4. Times MagazineTimes: 4/20/1998 Vol.151 No15 by David Van Biema

1 세기 문서:

5. The Jesus PuzzleThe Jesus Puzzle by Earl Doherty

"아볼로"와 사도들:

6. The Jesus PuzzleThe Jesus Puzzle by Earl Doherty


7. The Cosmic Mystery of MithrasThe Cosmic Mystery of Mithras by David Ulansey


8. The Secrets of ZoroastrianismThe Secrets of Zoroastrianism by Mark Willey 1995

Dr. "Khun"의 강의:

9. The Great Myth of the Sun GodsThe Great Myth of the Sun-Gods by Alvin Boyd Kuhn (1880-1963)


10. The Scholars' TranslationThe Scholars' Translation of the Gospel of Thomas by Stephen Patterson and Marvin Meyer

골드버그의 발견

11. The Mystery of the Testimonium FlaviumThe Mystery of the Testimonium Flavium by G.J. Goldberg, Ph. D.

추적의 역사

12. The Many Quests for the Historical JesusThe Many Quests for the Historical Jesus by Donald A. Wells, Ph.D.

공관 복음 문제

13. The Synoptic ProblemThe Synoptic Problem by Stephen C. Carlson

14. The Catholic Encyclopedia: SynopticsThe Catholic Encyclopedia: Synoptics

Q 문서

15. The Search for a No Frills JesusThe Atlantic Monthly, December 1996: The Search for a No-Frills Jesus by Charlotte Allen

예수 학회

16. The Many Quests for the Historical JesusThe Many Quests for the Historical Jesus by Donald A. Wells, Ph.D.

톨레돗 예수 ( Toledoth Yeshu )

17. Ancient Jewish Accounts of Jesus, The Toledoth YeshuAncient Jewish Accounts of Jesus, The toledoth Yeshu by Alan Humm

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